Robert Fontana

Is a Veteran
Cemetery:St. Paul Cemetery in St Paul, OR
Plot #3-2


Robert Ralph Fontana, known among us as "Bob" completed his life journey by passing September 19, 2017, at the age of 85, in his home, in the presence of his loving wife "Rose". Bob was diagnosed with terminal cancer the same month and his prayers were answered by sparing him of a lingering illness. He was surrounded with much love by family and friends just prior to his passing.

Bobs life journey began January 18, 1932, when he was born to Frank and Catherine Fontana (both immigrants of Italy) in

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He was the youngest of six siblings and was baptized March 2, 1932 at Epiphany Catholic Church in Pittsburgh. His confirmation in the church followed May 12, 1943.

Bob grew up as a spirited young man full of restless adventure which led him to enlist (under age) in the Army Air Corp, and later re-enlist in the Army. Often his delight was stories of his presence in the early occupation of Japan and Korea. Bob remained a patriot throughout his life steadfast in his convictions of God and country. Despite his youthful indifference to education, Bob became a success story by working his way through college to advanced Master degrees and various achievements to become a teacher and school administrator, ultimately, after a rewarding and successful carrier, retiring after twenty years of service. Afterwards, for a short period from 1990-92, he became principal of Saint Paul Parochial School, Saint Paul, Oregon, where he met his beloved wife Rose.

Bob's faith in our Lord and his hope for eternal life was displayed by his faithfulness to his church and often would speak of his prayers for family and use of the rosary. Believing in consequences for religious disobedience, he often spoke of his belief in the miracle of Fatima. Though gruff at times, his resolve to help others in need was enduring, and those who knew him could depend on him. His adventurous and somewhat pioneer spirit from days gone by led him into many interests and hobbies of which those known were motorhomes,

boating, cars, coins and even tinkering with an airplane, of which is not lacking in story by itself. As an honorary survivalist, he was often found with one gadget or another in his desire for self-sufficiency. He had a heart for various charitable organizations, believing in their importance, he donated to many.

Being the last of six siblings, Bob, is survived by his wife Rose Marie, of which her lineage is her son Steve Hiller, daughter Susan Coleman, and son Mike Hiller, to which grandchildren are Allyson Hiller, Joe Hiller, Mike Hiller, Lola Hiller, Cyrus Coleman and Rita Coleman. Of which Bob's lineage is his son Greg Fontana, daughter Kathy Harger, daughter Debbie Leysath, and son Robbie Fontana, to which grandchildren are Andrea Harger, Kristi Harger, and Robbie Harger.

Thank you to everyone for your prayers and support.

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