Arlo John Lahti

Cemetery:Visitation Cemetery in Forest Grove, Oregon
Birth:Thu Feb 14 1946
Death:Wed Sep 11 1957
Plot #SW364


Bike Death Jury Called
ARLO.LAHTI.-m Coroner's inquest into the death Wednesday night of 11-year old Arlo . Lahti: of Rt. 2,5 Hillsboro, has been scheduled for 10., a.m. Wednesday" R
District Attorney. Francis wil Linklater said he asked Coroner Graham Young to call a jury to examine the cause of death and determine whether yeri kinat responsibility was involved
The youth died, after his bicycle was struck by a car" driven by Ora V... Davis, 29,- of SW River road. * High Mass was Monday morning in St. * Matthew's Catholic church for young Lahti. Survivors besides his parents a brother and two sisters are grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Seus of Hillsboro and John Lahti of Minneapolis.

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