Christopher David Schalk
Christopher David Schalk
September 19, 1986
Stillborn son of David Schalk and Beverly VanDyke Schalk. Brother to Laura Beverly Schalk (joined later by siblings Katelyn Ann, Ryan Alan, and Elise Margaret). First grandson of Ervin A. VanDyke and Jane M. Bernards VanDyke of Verboort, Oregon
Paternal grandparents: Elmer "Al" Schalk (deceased: Elmhurst, Illinois) and Mildred Schalk Schreiber of White City, Oregon.
God hath not promised skies always blue
Flower-strewn pathways all our lives through
God hath not promised sun without rain
Joy without sorrow, peace without pain
But God hath promised strength for the day
Rest for the laborer, light on the way
Grace for the trial, help from above
Unfailing sympathy, undying love.
We find comfort in knowing that Christopher is "home" in heaven
even though he could not come home with us.
We trust that everything happens for a purpose,
though the reason is beyond our understanding.
In our lives briefly, in our hearts forever.