Mary A ( Hermens) Evers
In Loving Memory Of Mary Josephine Evers Born: May 1, 1895 Verboort, Oregon Died: October 3, 1995 Beaverton, Oregon Recitation Of The Holy Rosary Friday, October 6, 1995 at 7:30 p.m. St. Anthony's Catholic Church Officiating Lucille Kempen, Eucharistic Minister Mass Of The Christian Burial Saturday, October 7, 1995 at 10:30 a.m. Visitation Catholic Church Celebrants Rev. Joseph Heuberger, Rev. James Crunican, & Rev. James Harris Mass Servers Albert Evers, Bryce Herinckx, Billy Peters Organist Annette Evans Soloist Shirley Evers Musical Selection “On This Day Oh Beautiful Mother” Congregational Song “Song Of Farewell” Casket Bearers Mary's Sons Visitation Cemetery Verboort, Oregon Services Under the Direction Of Forest Grove Memorial Chapel